


Hermione Flavia is a writer, cinema journalist and podcaster, who studied movie history and film making in Australia, before attending the film school at Ealing Studios in London on a scholarship. She started covering preview screenings there, well as working in the independent film scene, winning some international awards for her screenplay writing. She now lives in Canada with her partner and her cat Grimoire, and you can usually find her drawing, reading, making things or riding horses.

She has covered movies previews and red carpet events for this blog and also for We Make Movies On Weekends, Screen Jabber, Whirligig Cinema, Film Doctor and more. She has interviewed people as diverse as Tom Cruise, Roger Corman, Oscar winning makeup artist Morag Ross and Cinematographer Rob Hardy. She also appears regularly as a guest on movie podcasts, for a full list of which click the Listen tab at the top of the page.  

She was recently published in anthology Death Never Dies, has a popular blog about books and other things, HERE, and also hosts a relaxed podcast about life and whatever, called Tea And Scandal. It’s a fun and friendly podcast with a growing following that comes out in seasons of about 6 eps. She also has a YouTube channel Wildfire Movies which looks at classic, cult and contemporary films as well as some film history.

You can subscribe to this blog, to stay up to date on posts, or you can follow her on Instagram (@hermioneflavia).

Canada International

Some favorite awards and achievements include:

RISING STAR AWARD, Canada International Film Festival, 2013 for The Air I Breathe.
OFFICIAL FINALIST, World Series of Screenwriting, Hollywood, 2013, for Sandrine.
HONORABLE MENTION, Table Read My Screenplay, USA, 2013 for The Air I Breathe.
QUARTER FINALIST, Richmond International Film Festival, Virginia, 2014.
ROUND 2: TOP 80, Screenplay Competition, Cinequest Film Festival, California, 2014 for A Pinch Of Spice.

61 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thank you for liking my post on The Maze Runner series! It means a lot to me 😉 Actually, have you considered writing a blog post on The Maze Runner The Death Cure? Have you written film reviews on the Star Wars saga? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Hermione! Thanks so much for reading and liking my Lady Bird review! I’m just starting out so it means a lot to me. Also very glad that we share similar opinions on it.

    Looking forward to reading more of your reviews!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Hermione–

    Many thanks for liking my post on Susan Froemke’s documentary, “The Opera House.” Love your blog, and as a fanatic about all movies black and white, I must say your taste in classic film is terrific. I look forward to reading more.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great site Hermione! I like that you revisit old classics, etc. I found you because you liked my very short review of Singularity. I do t do movie reviews really, just when one really makes an impression. Have you watched Singularity? I can imagine that it will make you crazy! Ha! I’ll be checking out your site!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I guess I was wrong.
        I was very good at biting glasses
        In the positive sense of the word


  5. Hi, thank you for visiting my blog and liking my film review for Don’t Think Twice. The blog is still in its infancy and I’ve yet to promote it even to friends and family so was pleasantly surprised to see you found it. I’ve had a look around yours and find it, and your accomplishments quite impressive. I look forward to seeing more from you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for swinging by My Own Little Shadow. Glad you liked my X-Men Apocalypse piece. You have the sort of resume that makes your Likes mean something. I also run the Visually Stunning Movie Podcast, if you’re interested in that kind of thing. VSMoviePodcast.com or on iTunes. Thanks again!

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Hi Hermione, thanks for stopping my NeilsEntertainmentPicks and reading my ‘Ghost in the Shell’ review. Appreciate it! (I review every week for Parade.com and repost on my WordPress site.) Sounds like you’ve had quite the interesting life in front of, behind and all around the camera!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I thought your review was interesting. I’ll have to check out Parade, too.
      Thank you for your comment, that’s very kind of you. It feels interesting to me! he he. But it’s hard work too. Thanks for stopping by!


  7. Thank you for Liking a post on my blog. 🙂

    I always enjoy meeting people who are passionate about film.

    I’m also currently writing a screenplay for a short film.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. When it comes to making my film: So far I’ve only written the screenplay.

        Actors, sets, a director, etc., is still a work-in-progress.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I’d say definitely try to get experience. I did some short courses at NIDA, but I needed the practical experience that I got over here in the UK from Film School. It was in valuable. But to start: think about doing a script reading course, because then you can earn money working in the industry and learning how it works while also reading scripts and learning about that side of thing. Also, find out what film competitions have a script section (most of them do) and start entering them.
      I know you kind of have to have a degree, but in the industry, it’s actually experience that’s respected the most.
      Also, think about getting yourself (if you’re not already) onto IMDB or get a pro account, so people can find you, and you can contact production companies.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah I’ve looked into the short courses at NIDA, the next intake for screenwriting is at the end of April so if I’m still not doing anything by then I’ll be sure to sign up. Is that the kind of “script reading course” you’re talking about?

        The best thing about where I went for my degree was that from the start they valued experience over everything. I think I need to mainly expand who I know, I knew that I could never really rely on my degree to get me anywhere. I’ve been making my own short films and writing my review blog refining my craft through that but nothing’s shown any fruit yet career wise, still a long way to go yet.

        Thanks for the advice

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Script reading is a short course, they didn’t cover it in your degree? You might be able to contact an old lecturer and ask them for more advice, but it gets you reading scripts for production companies & writing reports on them. It’s a good little in for script writers.
        I personally think having a degree is a great thing, it’s a solid grounding, but I think it’s not helpful for people hiring you, if you get me.
        Keep doing what you’re doing, it’ll start to happen. And please keep in touch & ask anything you want. I’m happy to help you out or point you in the right direction if I can. ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      3. For 3 months l worked in the sales division of Panavision (film gear rentals) filling in for someone on leave. I just got offered a job to work there in a different role which focuses on the gear side of things. Panavision is the only real industry connection I have and I’m not sure of I want the job or not because it will probably be a 2 year contract. It’s also a long commute, so I’d be able write on the train, and I’d have access to Panavision gear for free for when scripts are ready.
        Kind of a crossroads decision.

        Liked by 1 person

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